Saturday, June 29, 2024


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 a man has to remember daily to not give his entire life away to his boss and wife

Friday, June 28, 2024

" if you can tolerate failure, you can do some of the things you like ", was his sage advice. of course he wasn't talking about liver failure and whisky .... but it kinda fit, just like his body, in the coffin, and exactly how his bills didn't fit 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

 in nature man is an agent but woman is a product in itself

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

reading Brad Warner's Other Side of Nothing.... reached the section on Dogen's essays on space and time

 in the beginning there was no time. so it wasn't the beginning. it wasn't anytime at all, it was just .... then .

(coz you see, 'now' requires time (am I conscious now ? was I conscious a moment ago ? **))

in this no-time, there were all manner of forms in all their probabilities,  except without time, they were juxtaposed and compressed into one dot of possibility .so there was just this dot .. just being

Pure Consciousness got curious, and wanted to 'see' what was inside this dot. and as it did, it started teasing out forms from the murky dot of possibility. it got its hands full so to speak, and so it created space to put things in (on) , and the sequence with which it looked at them manifested them one form by one sequential form, and this was time. 

we think the universe is of many parts, but it is just the one mind, the Pure Consciousness, reading the dot of possibility, item by item.

Now I must go wash my mouth out.

** the  answers I got were 'yes' and 'cannot say'

*** many thanks to the Tao Te Ching, Terry Pratchett, Susan Blackmore , the Rig Veda, and a lot of others

 what we learn from the  famous 'Zen and art of motorcycle maintenance' book is that the answer to the question "What is quality" is very difficult, but you WILL find the answer as a side-effect to trying to find the answer, though formally you will never find it. 

So keep trying . and asking the question and thinking deeply about it now and then. And if you can hear faintly the nickel-and-dime clatter of a Harley engine, then you're on the right track...

Thursday, June 20, 2024

 a day is 24 hours

but a night is around 8 hours

so day and night adds up to 32 hours

New Cuyama Here I Come !!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 if you co-operate, the other guy will move ahead, coz they'd typically have structured the deal such that you will end up helping them take the kingdom

if you don't, neither will get ahead, or rather, they will put out a low-quality version but gate-keep it and hold you hostage until they can trade more from you.

what is the line of escape ?

Friday, June 14, 2024

premiums at prices of 5% more than spot, are less than 5% of spot. premium doesn't cover the spread

this renders selling ccalls at 5% more untenable

selling atm ccalls, coz the premium is slightly more than current buy price, gives 2-3 % return  

let's see next month

ccalls gives a 1-2% return and locks up 6-7 lakhs in turn. this makes it less attractive

 1. hire lawyers. sue telecom companies which don't close subscriptions on time

2. start a negotiation school. sign on  students. as part of course work, the work on reducing bills for subscribers of your financial app.

3. for every large mass of dispossessed people, accumulate a central redressal app.

 There is only one game,  the social game

To the winner flow all the spoils

The chief weapon in this game is choice

As one wins when others are complicit

Multiple paradoxes emerge as the stream of prossiility flows

The lowest is deemed as highest 

One who eschews monetary has cash flowing to him

One pattern is that people can be programmed to not play this game

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 if I were a good programmer, skilled at building and shipping apps,

I would go ahead and spend some money on a TickerTape api subscription, and build out some ideas .

What I want answered are - 

1. given a portfolio, I want to see what happens when I rebalance for growth, by rewarding winners by selling losers or slowcoaches and giving their share to the winners

2. what happens when I rebalance so that cap of each company is equal, ie, selling winners to buy more losers

3. how does a sector look, comparing PEs

4. SIP simulations

5. find out which option prices don't cover the spread, and which move differently compared to price changes

how can I become a good programmer ? how can I become a good-enough programmer ?

if I can build and launch a website with functionality that is useful..... that is enough ?

went for a walk today. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

 there exists a nessness, out of which many nesses arise

for example, out of nessness, arises horse-ness, 

and eventually a horse runs on the earth


 trading rule

if you take a position, and price falls, then double up or exit

hell yeah! or no

 perspective is the consequence of a slow Corpus Callosum

however, a fast CC. gives a gives a supra-perspective, that is can never be put down

I read Delanda -Destratified by Erik Davis, a long long time ago ( probably in the 2010-12 era)

I probably read it because someone once told me "there's a superstar in our universe and his name is Deleuze' .  I only held it as a matter of faith. But I held to it very strongly. Attempt to read a thousand years of non-linear history didn't bear fruit. In typical fashion, I never read even the intro or toc of a thousand plateaus. Thanks to chatgpt, some terms started showing up in its answers. Now , after enough escapes into chatgpt , I now got to realize, all DeLanda was talking about was fully in the second book . Maybe I'll read it someday, what with the Burn-All-Books narrative going on...

Friday, June 07, 2024

 don't say " I am going to get a loan"

say instead " I am going to rent some money "

remember banks rent your money for 3% , and rent it out for 10% 

now that my option is in the money, I purchased one put option, the idea is that it will go up in value the lower the index goes, thereby hedging the earnings on premium growth. 

If on expiry, the call option is long ITM, we can just let the put option expire worthlessly.

If the market reverses terribly, the put option will bring in money, either in premium or in intrinsic value.

Worst case call decays and loses money and the index closes at less than break even for the call (23k), and above the put . In this case we'll get two small premiums. 

Still not too bad, as long as capital is preserved

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

 the movie on minimalism wasn't five minutes long as I expected

 what has existentialism, and rhizome, got in common ? and what about existentialism and buddhism and buddhism and taoism ? and all this and de-stratification ? and hua-yen indra-net ?

and where does Kelly Criterion fit into all this ? 

Weiner, Shannon, Whitehead observe and nod

Gødel laughs and disagrees

form is emptiness, emptiness is form, the world knows goodness, because there is uggly, dependently arising all things fall away, bales of hay stacked upon one another, existence before essence, no horseness without horse, anatman

in the face of the existential absurd, creativity is a life-saver, a rope out of the well, and the human way to grow eyes and ears , and not just a pastime

art is a better map of reality, than a map, and communicates better

science, math, and logic ; are tools, and play as much role in art as a knife does in a painting, or a gun in a play

one other view is that the rules of science and logic and grammar of language make for a much more restricted medium within which to express 

 regular small failures are the price and cadence of robustness

robustness is the reason large failures don't happen

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

 amidst the mud and shit

a dot of divinity


I get all my knowledge about quantum mechanics and also the Shiva-Shakti model of the universe from, of all places, from Terry Pratchett !!

Between his Wizzards and Death and Wtiches, he covers almost all aspects of magic in life. And Death in the Discworld universe is a work of <superlative> creative genius. Thief-of-Time still keeps coming back in bits and pieces as I traverse the real world. And all that wizards and their L-space, wishing I could crawl into one .  In Sourcery, we have travellers holding a genie-lamp, and travelling,  inside a/the genie lamp. GEB-Hostadter wasn't so entertaining.

this might be old-monk speaking, (we're hoping the lights go out) but mark manson just combined buddhism and sartre and nietsche, putting existentialism into S-tier along with Buddhism and Science and Humanitarianism . And suddenly, it's time for nietsche, the absurd universe, choosing to bring meaning to it .. etc .... well absurd at least ( bit disappointed that Taoism didn't get into the S tier but, it's more universal and less human focussed, so not complaining)

ChatGPT says there are overlapping themes with Deleuze's Rhizome and the tenets of existentialism, specifically - "Existence before Essence", and denial of essence is the core of Buddhist Anatman. 

Swami Sarvapriyananda equates Buddhist Non-self with Advaita's Supreme self in one long lecture leaning heavily on a Tibetan Buddhist's book explaining stages of meditation culminating in .... (not for posers mmmkay ?) but this means once you practice the one-mind and no-mind become one and don't matter or something like that. or should i say "liek that" coz that's what it does to the brain


 The structure ,is made from concepts

Concepts are just flux , congealed, so we can navigate

Starboard 3° after that large lump !!!