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some people pitch their tent right outside the pareto frontier
beware of them
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one pattern i see over time is that whatever was bad for me, whatever i was cautioned against, in a given period, i see pieces that slowly and surely blur the differences and turn into recommendation _for_ the thing, like, posts against the grind are now replaced by blogs and podcasts and videos extolling the hustle .it's an old trick, starting with religions, of evil pretending to be good, to be 'good for you', to be 'the right thing', as opposed to things which are good for you, and are the right thing. it is the need of the hour to examine what passes as 'good', and 'right' in this world
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i want 2024 to be the year of emptying. i want to take all my books, and either throw them away, or write a blog post and then throw them away, or write some code, put that in github, and then throw them away. i want to take all my scribbled 'tomorrow we will do', and throw them away. i want to take all my clothes, which were gifted during ceremonies, which were given by friends, relatives, which were presents on birthdays, etc, and give them away, and buy one set for myself, and wear only what i've purchased. i want to take all my scribbled art work, and throw them away (they are already on this blog, almost all of them). i want to close all my bank accounts but one ( there are two, and you can't close bank accounts until either the bank dies of , like in the case of citibank retail, in india, or the person dies... so we'll keep this one on paper , i want to be done with self improvement, attaining the ultimate wisdom, learning the coolest math, ( math is so dry, i wonder why, when applied, i've heard, is a different world) , i want to be done with the preparation, the pre-heating the oven, the simmer-simmer-never-boil quality of my life, i want to rip it out and throw it off the balcony, kicking and screaming. enough of the how to solve it, enough of the how to evaluate a company, enough of the yoga books that i never read. enough simmering.
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problem with journalling in a blog is that i never open up fully, and problem with writing in a book is that it is slow, and i lose context fast, and problem with writing in a notepad is that i don't know who wil read it so i never know how deep to go or how light to keep it
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how to communicate with someone who is continually offended at any attempt to communicate ?
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intellectuallize, intellectuallize, intellectuallize. - steve martin
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every year, i come back to my blogs, read some posts, and exclaim to myself - that's what i need ! i gotta do that ! - and then i sink, the waves of the tedium and mundanity close over my head, and i disappear without a trace. a year later ...
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was reading escaping java. i have a problem. i am one inch deep, and a million miles wide. no really. it is SAD